
Request for refund

We're sorry to hear that you're considering a refund. At Wisdomise, we strive to provide the highest-quality services and value the satisfaction of our users above all. If there's an issue we can resolve, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. However, if you would still like to proceed with a refund, please fill out the form below. This will help us process your request efficiently and give valuable feedback to improve our services.

Please provide your Wisdomise account email and share any feedback you have regarding your experience. Understanding your reasons for requesting a refund and your experience with our platform is crucial for us to serve you better in the future.

Please note that the refund policy for monthly packages is 7 days after the purchase, and for yearly packages, it is 30 days after the purchase. For more than these durations, we do not guarantee a refund.

The refund process may take 10-20 business days. Once it is processed, you will receive a confirmation email. We appreciate your patience during this time.

Last updated